Not your average Tuesday.

I woke up excited to see if our “sunroof” visitor had moved in to his new home. To my surprise, he DID!

To back up a day, I found a hermit crab sporting a funny little broken shell. Thier shells are designed to completely encase and protect their fragile bodies; however in this case, his eyes had a front door view to the world!

So what did I do with my find? I placed him in a container with a few snazzy options. I gave him water, a little hermie snack and left him to do some house shopping.

This morning, I went to check and he moved into a new home!!! The special shell he chose came from a shell donor, Terri. After ensuring he was happy in his new house. I placed him back outside so he can go on his merry way.

Angela Sayre

Provide awareness of the native wild hermit crabs of the Florida Keys. Bring attention to the housing shortage of hermit crabs due to pollution and the collection of seashells by humans. Educate the public on the capture and abuse of wild hermit crabs for the pet trade. Help end the sale of wild-caught hermit crabs and preserve populations of wild hermit crabs and the lands they inhabit.


Let’s be a BIG voice for the little guys!